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optimal choiceの例文


  • The optimal choice is that which can be provided for the lowest cost.
  • Optimal choices represent the bundle of two goods; the first good and the composite.
  • When the optimal choice computation involves non-RAYG computation, it's a complexity computation driving the compound effect.
  • Fuchs eventually convinced Hitler that the 40.6 cm gun was the optimal choice for the H-39 design.
  • Sports drinks are not optimal ORSs, but they can be used if optimal choices are not available.
  • 1 . "'Optimal Choice "': Computation in realizing Optimal Choice can be very simple or very complex.
  • PNG became the optimal choice for small gradient images as web browser support for the format improved.
  • 1 . "'Optimal Choice "': Computation in realizing Optimal Choice can be very simple or very complex.
  • The Optimal Choice computation can be more complex when multiple NE strategies present in a reached game.
  • The model assumes that, because the memory system is so complex, there never is one precise optimal choice.
  • A simple rule in Optimal Choice is to accept whatever is reached, Reward As You Go ( RAYG ).
  • The optimal choice of polynomial order and number of convolution coefficients will be a compromise between noise reduction and distortion.
  • Click on Advanced, then on the Adapter tab to see refresh rate options, including the Optimal choice for your system.
  • It is akin to a greedy algorithm that makes the locally optimal choice at each stage of the optimization problem.
  • Although it has been suggested as a compromise, # 4 is in reality is not an optimal choice at all.
  • In comparison, a greedy algorithm treats the solution as some sequence of steps and picks the locally optimal choice at each step.
  • Fermi estimates are also useful in approaching problems where the optimal choice of calculation method depends on the expected size of the answer.
  • Nash proposed that we look for outcomes where each player is making an optimal choice, given the choices the other players are making.
  • The optimal choice for such a number can be determined by obtaining the peak value of a performance / cost ratio ( PCR ).
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